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Custom molds for chocolate, soap and candle holders with 3D printing and vacuum forming

Custom molds for chocolate, soap and candle holders with 3D printing and vacuum forming


3D printing and vacuum forming are two technologies that have revolutionized the way we make objects. Both technologies have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the field of arts and crafts. In this article we will explain how these technologies can be used to create unique molds for chocolate, soaps and candles.

We have already implemented this process in our production and can make for you individual chocolate molds, soap molds, candle molds or resin molds entirely according to your ideas and desired motif.

Gelbe Seifenformen erstellt mittels Vakuumformer

The molds can be used again and again to create new products continuously.

What is 3D printing?

3D printing is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It involves creating a design using 3D modeling software, which is then sent to a 3D printer. The printer then uses a variety of materials such as plastic, resin or metal to create the object layer by layer.

3D printing has gained popularity in recent years due to its versatility and ease of use. It enables the creation of highly detailed and intricate objects that would be difficult or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods.

3D Drucker Graz Flotte von Biocraftlab

Using 3D printers, a wide variety of objects can be created through additive manufacturing. These can serve as starting objects for vacuum formers.

What is vacuum forming?

Vacuum forming is a process of creating a negative mold of an object using heat and vacuum pressure. In this process, a sheet of plastic is heated until it becomes pliable, then placed over a mold and pulled tightly over the mold using a vacuum. The plastic then cools and hardens, creating a negative mold of the object.

Vacuum forming is commonly used in the manufacture of packaging, such as clamshells and blister packs. However, it can also be used to create unique shapes for artistic purposes.

Vakuumform Prozess

Vacuum formers can be used to draw thin sheets of plastic over objects to create negative molds.

Create unique shapes with 3D printing and vacuum forming

A unique way to use 3D printing and vacuum forming is to create negative molds for chocolate, soap and candle creations. This process involves creating a 3D model of the object and then using a vacuum forming machine to create a negative mold of the object. The negative mold can then be used to create the object with chocolate, soap or candle wax.

1. Design of the 3D model

The first step in creating unique shapes with 3D printing and vacuum forming is to create a 3D model of the object. This can be done using a variety of 3D modeling software such as Tinkercad, SketchUp or Blender.

The object then serves as a template for the vacuum form. In principle, contiguous elements can be created at different heights. Overhangs should be avoided. Valleys can be improved by means of small holes through the model during subsequent vacuum forming to improve the level of detail. The design should also be created with the end product in mind. For example, if the object is to be used for chocolate creations, it should not be too complex to be easily released from the mold afterwards without breakage. If the object is to be used for soap or candle creations, the design should not have too thin surfaces so that it can withstand the heat and pressure of the process.

Bunte Pralinen gegossen aus Schokoladenform

Geometric shapes can be created particularly well using vacuum forming. Products like these chocolates can be further shaped even after molding and curing.

2. Printing the 3D model

Once the 3D model is created, it can be printed using a 3D printer. The printer uses the selected material to create the object layer by layer.

It is important to print with as little layer height as possible to realize a high level of detail of the object. Also, the "Iron" setting can help smooth the top of the object. PLA can be used as the material for 3D printing.

3. Creating the negative mold

Once the 3D model is created, it can be printed using a 3D printer. The printer uses the selected material to create the object layer by layer.

After the 3D model is printed, it can be used to create a negative mold through vacuum forming. In this process, a sheet of plastic is heated until it becomes pliable, then it is placed over the 3D model and a vacuum is used to pull it tightly over the model. The plastic then cools and hardens, creating a negative mold of the object.
It is important to choose the right material for the negative mold. For example, if the object is to be used for chocolate creations, the negative mold should be made of food-safe material. If the object is to be used for soap, or candle, or resin creations, the negative mold should be made of materials that can withstand the heat and pressure of the process. For particularly detailed objects, a flexible material for the nail mold can help to easily release the solidified final product from the mold.

4. Casting the object

Once the negative mold is created, the object can be made with chocolate, soap, resin or candle wax. The material is poured into the negative mold and must harden. Then the mold is removed to reveal the final object.

It is important to follow the instructions for the material that will be used to make the object. For example, if chocolate is used, it must be tempered and poured at the correct temperature to produce a smooth and shiny surface. If soap is used, it must be melted and poured at the correct temperature to release cleanly from the mold. If resins are used, they must be stirred with correct amounts of the appropriate hardener and poured very slowly to avoid air entrapment.

    Guß von Flüssigseife in Negativform

    After the material has been liquefied through heating, it can be poured directly into the negative mold.

    Advantages of using 3D printing and vacuum forming for custom molds

    Using 3D printing and vacuum forming to make custom molds for chocolate, soap and candle creations offers several advantages.

    • Versatility: 3D printing and vacuum forming enable the creation of highly detailed and intricate shapes that would be difficult or impossible to create using traditional manufacturing methods.

    • Customization: 3D printing allows each object to be customized to the exact specifications of the project. This allows for greater creativity and flexibility in the design process.

    • Efficiency: 3D printing and vacuum forming save time and resources in the design process. Once the initial design is created, it can be printed and used to create multiple negative molds for production.

    • Cost-effective: 3D printing and vacuum forming can be more cost-effective than traditional manufacturing processes, especially for low-volume production.

    Kreative Objekte aus Seifenform

    Negative molds can be used to make creative objects from soaps, chocolates, waxes or even resins.


      In summary, 3D printing and vacuum forming are two technologies that can be used to create unique molds for chocolate, soap, candles or resins. The process involves creating a 3D model, printing the model, creating a negative mold through vacuum forming, and then using the negative mold to create the final object.

      Using 3D printing and vacuum forming allows for greater versatility, customization, efficiency and cost effectiveness in the manufacturing process. It is a great way to add a unique touch to your chocolate, soap or candle creations and take your projects to the next level.

      If you are looking for custom chocolate molds, soap molds or candle m olds, please feel free to contact us.


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